North: Where the Yameda water flows peacefully;

Its inhabitants are neutral but closed-off. People living near the Dameni Watertemple are more open to foreigners as many come here to cleanse themselves. The terrain is swamplike and pathless, and there is only one road leading to the Dameni Watertemple. Most traffic in the Yameda waterlands happens in underwater tunnels.

East: Where the Foamian clouds rest in balance and tranquility;

The people here have a good mindset about the world and themselves. They live a lighthearted and philosophical life. They trade with others using the Ulmantyr sky port. They do not use any currency and only trade goods for other goods. They still mourn the dead from the tragedy of a few decades ago, when a huge storm had killed many of the inhabitants of this land.

South east: Where Digsevainian nature and people live in symbiosis;

They are short, friendly folks living on small patches of grass and trees on the land otherwise mostly made of mountains. Digseviains honour the nature and its’ recources. They only use whats necessary and live a healthy lifestyle. They avoid the lands to the very south because of Alantyr the dragon. Alantyr was originally the guardian of the Foamia Cloud lands until he had gone rogue. The Foamians and the Digseviains are working toghether to convert Alantyr instead of battling with him. The Digseviains are known for their hospitality, especially in the northern parts. The farther south you go, the less Digseviains you will find, Digseviains living to the south of Digsevian civilizations are more cautious and less open than the people living to the north.

South: In the south, where the trees sing;

The Naedis are a developed civilization, focusing on trading with the other lands and producing their famous wooden instruments. The Naedians are a really split up country. All the scum and poor are kept in Pacemis. Pacemis is what seems like the capital, but it is more so a place where all the scum is kept. Discrimination in the Naedis forest is huge, the rich live in big, luxurious tree houses, even tree cities. They keep the poor in the city so they dont “contaminate” the forests. Recently, some few wealthy people have started a rebellion to go back to the origin of Naedis; a unified and peaceful place to live. There is still a long and hard way infront of them in order establish justice.

West: Where the Zrian cities and machines roar;

The Zrians are the newest civilization of the Dream Realm. They swung up to great power however by establishing great factories, cities, machines, technologies and more. They use most of their recources to expand their territory, especially to the west of Zria, where the uninhabited Zasan Plainlands lie. The most important place for the Zrians is the Srytzakt port. Srytzakt is the place where the Zrians began to forage nature, and it’s where their capital as well as biggest trading port lies. Just north of the Srytzakt port is where the main army and weaponry of the Zrians is located. The Zrians mostly fight using big, steam powered machines and cannons.

Center: Where the eternal Bænian mist lies;

In the center of all these countries lie the Bæn Mistlands. The mist is probably the work of a magician. There are cities in the Bæn mistlands, but not much is known about its inhabitants.The Hasedi waterfall is a magical and extremely beautiful waterfall in Bæn. There is a statue at the bottom of it, meditating.


Yameda Waterlands: Neutral, The Yamedians are on their watch for a possible Zarian inviasion however.
Naedis Forest: Currently in war with the Zrian Industries. Friendly toward the Digsevians.
Digsevain Mountains: Allied with the Foamians. Friendly with the Naedians.
Foamia Cloudlands: Allied with the Digsevians. Hostile toward the Zarians, as the Zarians have tried infiltrating Ulmantyr with spies.
Bæen Mistlands: Neutral

Notable Individuals:

Ariesiesh of the Yameda waterlands; Ariesiesh is the current priest in the Dameni Watertemple. He is a very peaceful and wise leader.

Ailre Theran of the Naedis Forest; Ailre is the current leader of the rebellion in the Naedis forest. She is a powerful fighter, with the ability to make strong bonds with just about anyone.
She was born rich, but her family visiting in Pacemis for buying a new slave she walked away from home. She lived in the forest for thirteen years before surfacing again as the leader of the Naedian rebellion.

Nedampi of the Digsevain Mountains; He is currently the only person Alantyr the dragon lets near him. He is a very energetic person, who is probably fiercer than Alantyr himself. He is very friendly and a good cook.

Poppiri of the Foamia Cloudlands; Poppiri is the current guardian of the clouds in Foamia. Poppiri is responsible for using her life in order to protect Foamia from storms. She was born blind and is a humble and lovable person. She loves Naedian wooden instruments, and often plays one alone on the clouds.

Dheasine of the Bæen Mistlands. He is said to be a rogue commander from Zaria. He is a mighty mage and is probably the person responsible for the mist in Bæen. He was a formidable and caring commander in the Zrian army.